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Easiest Way to Make Tasty Pork Ribs 无錫骨

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pork Ribs 无錫骨. Hi Everyone, Here's the recipe for the 无锡排骨 Wu Xi Pork ribs. These Chinese pork ribs are so tender that the meat is almost melting off from the bone! It is called Wuxi Pork ribs (無錫排骨), the signature cuisine of Wuxi.

Pork Ribs 无錫骨 These Chinese pork ribs are so tender that the meat is almost melting off from the bone! It is called Wuxi Pork ribs (無錫排骨), the signature cuisine I want to introduce to you how to cook this famous Chinese pork ribs, characterized by the sweetness of rock sugar, the sourness of the red vinegar 镇. Pork ribs are a pork cut that is popular in Western and Asian cuisines typically served with the bone and prepared by smoking, grilling, or The meatiest variety of ribs, country-style ribs are sold either as "slabs" or in individual servings. You can cook Pork Ribs 无錫骨 using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Pork Ribs 无錫骨

  1. It's 1 pc of Pork Ribs 加厚骨.
  2. It's 1 pc of Cinnamon 桂皮.
  3. You need 2 of flower Star Anise 八角.
  4. You need 5 tbsp of Rice Wine 料酒.
  5. It's Pinch of Salt 盐.
  6. It's 2 tsp of Sugar 糖.
  7. You need 1/2 tsp of Black Sauce 黑酱油.
  8. It's 3 tbsp of Lees 酒糟.

These pork ribs are perfect for those who want to use a knife and fork. Pork ribs refer to a cut of pork from the ribcage of a pig. Meat and bones together are cut into usable pieces and prepared by grilling, baking, or smoking, usually with barbecue or another type of sauce. "I saw a Celebrity Chef use this braising method for baby back ribs, so I decided to give it a try for pork spare ribs. Carefully open each packet, and drain the drippings.

Pork Ribs 无錫骨 instructions

  1. Pork ribs boiled about 30 minutes.
  2. Heat up hot wok, apply 2tbsp vegetables oil and deep fried cinnamon & star anise..
  3. Add water & pork ribs (cover the surface of the pork ribs) in the hot wok with all the ingredients. covered till the meat softens..
  4. Remove from the wok cut and ready to be serve..

Braised Pork Knuckle with Fresh Mushrooms & Sea Cucumber. Add the ribs and stir fry over medium high heat until golden brown on all sides. (You may want to do this a few ribs at a time if your pot is pretty snug.) Hope you like our Wuxi Spareribs! More finger Lickin' Good Recipes at The Hong Kong Cookery: Chinese Red Cooked Pork 紅燒肉. Pork ribs are a cut of pork popular in Western and Asian cuisines. The ribcage of a domestic pig, meat and bones together, is cut into usable pieces, prepared by smoking, grilling.